Good Afternoon Tom,
I wanted to share something with you before the weekend
regarding some excellent student behavior and acceptance of others. One of my compass students participates in
Mr. Peterson's World of Foods class. This
particular student struggles with staying on task, demonstrating appropriate
social skills, and managing their emotions.
My student works with 4 other students (ranging in grade levels) at their table. These 4 students have been
incredible peers. They include my student in discussions and activities, understand the challenges encountered, and assists with questions about the class
content. They do all of this without
hesitation and without being prompted to do so.
I'm not quite sure if there's anything we could do to officially recognize
these 4 students, but regardless, I wanted to make you aware of it, as it is
exactly what BMHS is all about. The 4
students names are John Zero, Jessica Walton, Briana Meyers and Brian Sullivan.
I was able to personally thank these students before the end of the day and call their parents to simply say thank you. These four students represent the best of us, providing an ideal that we want all of our students to aspire.