Monday, March 20, 2017

This Week at BMHS March 21 - 28, 2017

From The Desk Of The Guidance Department

Scholarship Information:

~The Billerica Dollars For Scholars application website will close on March 26, 2017.  Click here to access the DFS website.

~Regarding Naviance scholarships:  check back often throughout the duration of the late winter/spring.  The deadlines for scholarships in Naviance vary.  This list will be updated regularly, and you won’t want to miss an opportunity!  Click here to access the Naviance website.

~When searching for scholarships, the most important rule is this:  Don’t pay money to get money!  It typically is a scam.  If you’re not sure it is a scam, please contact your child’s guidance counselor to discuss.

Scheduling Portal For Course Selection Opens Tuesday
The scheduling portal will open on Tuesday afternoon for students in grades 9-11 to select their courses for the 2017-2018 school year.  You will know when it has opened because Melinda Cripps will send out an email to alert you. The steps to access the portal are listed below.

1.     Review the Program of Studies to learn more about the courses you can choose.  Click here for the link to the 2017-2018 Program of Studies.
2.     Go to the ASPEN website.  Click here for the Aspen website.
3.     Enter your ASPEN login and password. If you do not know your login and password, please email
4.     Click on the MY INFO top tab.
5.     Click on the REQUESTS side tab.
6.     On the top of your screen, you will see a message that gives an overview of the 2017-2018 course selection process.  Below this, you will see “Primary Requests”.  Click the select buttons to choose the courses you are interested in taking.  In this area, you will also see which courses your teachers have recommended for you.
7.     Below the “Primary Requests” is a section called “Alternate Requests”.  Click on the select button and choose your alternate requests.  These are your back-up courses, in case you are unable to get into a primary requested class.  You must choose alternates.
8.     Below “Alternate Requests” is an area for you to write a note to your counselor.  Some people may choose to use this function, and others may not feel the need to.
9.     MAKE SURE TO POST once you have completed your course selections.  This is SUPER IMPORTANT, since this is how your course selections are saved in the computer.

 Review the Program of Studies to learn more about the courses you can choose. Click here for the link to the 2017-2018 Program of Studies.
 Go to the ASPEN website.  Click here for the Aspen website.
Enter your ASPEN login and password. If you do not know your login and password, please email
Click on the FAMILY top tab.
Select your child.  If you have more than one child, select the child for whom you will be working with.
Click on the SCHEDULE side tab.
Then, click on the REQUESTS side tab.
On the top of your screen, you will see a message that gives an overview of the 2017-2018 course selection process.  Below this, you will see “Primary Requests”.  Click the select buttons to choose the courses you are interested in taking.  In this area, you will also see which courses your teachers have recommended for you.
Below the “Primary Requests” is a section called “Alternate Requests”.  Click on the select button and choose your alternate requests.  These are your back-up courses, in case you are unable to get into a primary requested class.  You must choose alternates.
Below “Alternate Requests” is an area for you to write a note to your counselor.  Some people may choose to use this function, and others may not feel the need to.
MAKE SURE TO POST once you have completed your course selections.  This is SUPER IMPORTANT, since this is how your course selections are saved in the computer.
The portal will remain open until Sunday, March 26th at 11:59 p.m.  It will close promptly at that time.

Guidance counselors will meet with each student individually over the three weeks following course selection.  This brief meeting will be to review students’ course selections for progress towards graduation, alignment with college aspirations, and career exploration goals.  Juniors will be brought to Guidance by their Physics teacher, during the week of March 27-March 31.  Sophomores will meet with guidance during their Chemistry class, during the week of April 3-April 7.  Freshmen will meet with guidance during their English class, during the week of April 10-April 13.  Teachers will bring their students to guidance during an assigned day/time to meet with their counselor. If your Junior student isn't in Physics, or if your Sophomore student isn't in Chemistry, please know that Guidance will reach out to these students individually to arrange a meeting.

If you have any questions regarding your child’s course selection process please feel free to reach out to his/her guidance counselor directly.  The number for the guidance office is:  978-528-8760.  We look forward to working with both you and your child.

ELA MCAS This Week

This week, sophomore students will take ELA MCAS.  Last week, we informed students that MCAS rooms are posted in the hallway across from the Guidance Office.  If students haven't yet checked to see where they are testing, they can check early tomorrow morning.  Here is the testing schedule:

Tuesday: ELA Composition Sessions A & B
Wednesday:  ELA Composition Sessions 1 & 2
Thursday: ELA Composition Session 3

Students should get a good night's rest, eat a good breakfast, and wear comfortable layered clothing in order to help them perform their best.  

Closing the Chapter on 2017-2018

Finals Week Final Exams will take place on Monday, June 18th , Tuesday, June 19th , Wednesday June 20th , and Thursday, June 21st. Fri...