Monday, June 27, 2016

Welcome to the Summer

Welcome to the Summer of '16

We have unofficially closed the books on the 2015-2016 school year. There is still some annual work to be completed with the Department of Education before we can officially transition to the new school year. The completion date, or "rollover" typically occurs near the end of July. This is the moment that teachers, students, and parents can log into Aspen and see the schedule for the upcoming school year. Our custodial staff will be working on summer projects and classroom changes in preparation for September. We will send out an update in August that explains the changes that have occurred so students and parents will know where to find some of the offices that are changing.

The first day of the 2016-2017 school year for students is Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Freshmen Orientation

Save the date: Thursday, August 25 from 9 a.m. until noon. The orientation will begin in the Auditorium. The easiest way to access the Auditorium is from the 35 River Street entrance.

Summer Reading

All students are required to read just one book. Staff members at BMHS have each chosen a book to read over the summer. The attached list of those books includes a variety of genres ranging from classics to contemporary fiction and nonfiction designed to spark interest in adolescent readers. We encourage students to choose one of the books on the list to read in preparation for the first full day of school. However, students are not limited to books on the list. Regardless, in their English classes they will be expected to have read a book and have completed the attached note taking form. Students will then be expected to complete a written assessment which will count as 5% of their term 1 grade. Summer reading assignments will be assessed based on the school-wide writing rubric. Additionally, staff members will lead book discussion groups with students during an extended advisory in September. The note-taking form, list of books, and the link to sign up for a discussion group, are all available at the BMHS website: Please sign up as soon as possible for your preferred discussion group.

Scheduling Update

Schedules for incoming freshmen will be released on Monday, June 27. You will receive an email update and a phone call alerting you when the system is accessible. The email will also include guidance counselor availability. Although every guidance counselor is not scheduled every day, there will be a guidance counselor available to assist students with scheduling questions.

Summer Hours

The high school will be open from 8:00 a.m. until 3:00 p.m. during the summer. Please use the main entrance, which is located behind Town Hall (accessible via 1 Tom Glavine Way). The main phone number for the high school is 978-528-8700.

SUMMA Award Recipients

Jean Goldsmith           
Jessica Harmon           
Owen Kelly    
David LaPusata          
Jillian MacEachern     
Roshan Nair   
Stephanie Perrier        
Andrea Marie Ponte
Victoria Sharaga         
Raymond Soeun         
LeeAnn Spector          
Brian Sullivan 
Summer Thurlow        
Tyler Tribou

Christopher Comeau   
Mackenzie Conant      
Kelsey Leverone         
Nicole Morris 
Jonathan Raymond     
Victoria Scarfo           
Brooke Sorensen        

Scott Young

Megan Aquavella        
Vanessa Attaya           
Olivia Chiasson          
Clare Conway 
Alyssa Eakman           
Sophia Green  
Grant Milliken
Samantha Murgo        
Megan Poole   
Emily Rand    
Jacqueline Santana     
Madhumathi Sekar     
Benjamin Souza

Camryn Brothers        
Ian Castro-Martinez   
Philip Cataldo 
Stephanie Chavarria   
Jacqueline Crusco       
Maddison Jacques       
Ethan Knight 
Jacquelynn Schwalm   
Alie Thurlow  
Petya Todorova          
Michael Williams        
Alex Yeh

Students of the Term

Gaurang Amonkar
Jessica Bowen
Keri Bruso
Madison DeChristoforo
Madison Ellis
Alyssa Harris
Elizabeth Jenkins
Kayla Livingston
Jeremy Mancini
Jenna Oliva
Vidhee Rana
Maya Thompson
Shannon White-Smead

Christopher Abrahamson
Ryan Acone
Catherine Aliperta
Megan Aquavella
Shawn Belden
Jordan Borges
Kishara Cerelus
Clare Conway
Madison Corcoran
Orion Doyle
Andrew Farmer
Kyla Gaudet
Isabelle Grise
Sydney Hall
Catherine Loguidice
Edward MacDonald
Matthew Marini
Adina Marshall
Aidan McCarthy
Gillian Menezes
Jennifer Nachatelo
Alexa Palino
Emily Rand
Kristen Riley
Jacqueline Santana
Sarah Smith
John Stanton
Matthew Young

Victoria Bones
Ashwin Chitoor
Jenna Hill
Sean Hinchliffe
Ryan Hoyt
Erin Kelley
Cory LaFleur
Jacob Loftin
Caitlin MacLeod
Matthew McDonnell
Bradley McMullen
Lindsay Mitchell
Laura Molina
Jessica Panaligan
Alexandra Rahill
Jenna Reed
Haley Reinhold
Alandra Rich
Firas Rimawi
Brian Sardella
Catherine Sjostedt
Savana Spellman
Duy Vo
Rachel Wagner
Vivian Wholey
Kathryn Wiggins

Building Update

The next Building Committee meeting is Tuesday, July 21 at Town Hall beginning at 6:30 p.m. There are weekly working group meetings to address various parts of the project as move through Design Development. Once Design Development is completed and approved by the MSBA, the site work will intensify as we prepare for ground breaking in early spring. Updates on the project will be available on Aspen, Facebook and Twitter @NEWBMHS

Closing the Chapter on 2017-2018

Finals Week Final Exams will take place on Monday, June 18th , Tuesday, June 19th , Wednesday June 20th , and Thursday, June 21st. Fri...